4 Ways Cell Phone Recycling Is Good For You And The Earth

4 Ways Cell Phone Recycling Is Good For You And The Earth

Cell phones are critical for the functioning of modern civilization. They connect businesses together and save millions during weather disasters. However, they can also be a detriment to the environment. Here are some reasons why recycling your cellphone can help make for a greener, more sustainable world, as well as benefit you in the process.

Save Some Energy

If you focus on cell phone recycling Toronto, you’ll be saving a significant amount of energy since it costs a substantial amount of energy to create a cell phone in the first place. Calculations vary, but it comes out to a few dozen hours on your laptop for every cell phone you save.

Get Back Resources

Quite a large amount of resources goes into cell phone creation in terms of minerals. Some estimates have it as high as over 700 pounds of silver and 30,000 pounds of copper, as well as a large number of other elements such as palladium, platinum, zinc, tin, and others. Every bit that we recycle is a bit that we don’t have to pull out of the Earth again, which is both wasteful and potentially hazardous.

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Prevent Some Damage

The process to create cellphones causes them to contain arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, and even flame retardants. These materials all leach into the environment when they are thrown away, which is highly toxic to the environment. It’s also highly toxic to you since lead poisoning can cause brain damage and cancer. Mercury can seriously injury humans and kill animals.

Beyond saving the environment by preventing dangerous leakage, unnecessary mining and energy waste, recycling your cell phone can also net you some cash. This amount will vary based on the phone itself and where you go for recycling, but it’s worth checking out. Preventing the phone from leaking in your home will benefit you as well.