The Afikim Afiscooter SE 3-Wheel Bariatric Scooter

The Afikim Afiscooter SE 3-Wheel Bariatric Scooter

The AFIKIM Afiscooter SE 3 wheel is a timeless product that has become a symbol of quality and reliability. With a single charge, it is able to travel for quite a distance. This scooter can carry 500 pounds and travel up to 28 miles on one battery.

The Afiscooter SE 3 Bariatric Scooter is designed with comfort in mind, with a visible and easy-to-see battery indicator that lets you know when it’s time to charge this mobility scooter. It is easy to use thanks to its reliable electronic control system. With a good orthopedic chair, this model provides maximum comfort.

The Afiscooter SE 3 scooter is an excellent choice for those looking for a scooter that will allow them to leave the house without assistance. For more on outdoor all terrain mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

This three-wheeled scooter has a black and chrome design that looks more like a motorcycle than a medical device. The scooter is controlled by the user’s hands using the built-in control panel, allowing them to stay in control at all times.

The scooter allows the user to change direction quickly. When you release the thumb/turn the speed control knob, the scooter comes to a complete stop.

The upright handlebars of this scooter can be adjusted to suit the user’s height and riding style, and the 33-inch wide double seat allows for another passenger to ride with them. The seat width of this scooter can vary from 18″ to 33″, making it suitable for many users.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.