Just like with anything else in life, you can choose to do things the easy way or the hard way. This is especially true when it comes to digital marketing. A lot of people who are looking to drive traffic to their website think that they always have to do things the hard way.
They think that they have to spend money that they don’t have for elaborate and overly complicated digital marketing campaigns performed by outsourced specialists. They can’t really understand what really is going on, but they feel that they are forced to spend precious resources just so they can stay ahead or keep pace with their competitors.
You don’t want to find yourself in that position because that is a losing situation, really. And unfortunately, a lot of businesses that try to market on Facebook and Instagram find themselves in that situation because the marketing materials that they produce, especially video, get really expensive.
This is why it’s a good idea to find a cheap branding platform using video and reverse engineer your way to success. These two go hand in hand. If you want to use the TikTok platform to get around your competitors and beat them in this hyper-competitive digital age, you have to have your wits about it. You have to know how to play the right way. And one of the best ways to do this is to reduce your cost, while at the same time reverse engineering your competitors.
How do you do this? Well, to find out how to build a following on TikTok, you only need to go to the channels of your competitors. What kind of videos do they produce? What kind of people do they attract? Now, replicate that on your own channel.
Talk about the same things that they’re talking about. I’m not saying that you copy and paste exactly what they’re doing. But definitely, you should take cues as to the videos that they produce. Why? They’re not going to be investing their money on tried and proven losers.
Over a long enough period of time, they would know what works and what doesn’t. So, pay close attention to what they’re doing and copy the theme. Don’t copy the content, but talk about the same topics. This way, you get your competitors to do your homework for you.
For everything else, you have to do it the old fashioned way. You have to do it by trial and error. I know, it sounds like you’re basically just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that something sticks. That’s precisely what I’m talking about.
The good news is TikTok doesn’t have very high expectations when it comes to video quality. So, you can produce a lot of videos in a very short period of time. You can keep throwing spaghetti to the wall, so to speak, until you figure out which types of videos truly work.
Your competitors can cut out half the work by basically pointing you in the right direction when it comes to themes and topics. For everything else, you’re going to have to do it the old fashioned way. You’re going to have to learn the hard way through trial and error. But given the low-cost profile of TikTok videos overall, it’s not going to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, it might be a tremendous amount of fun as you figure out what your target audience members are really looking for. The bottom line? Tiktok offers a workable alternative to Instagram marketing.
Next, buy Tiktok video likes to start building an organic critical mass for your brand. Remember, your videos need an initial boost of social proof (in terms of Tiktok engagement metrics) to draw more organic viewers.