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Give People A Place To Talk On Your Website

Give People A Place To Talk On Your Website

Having very engaging content is most certainly something that is going to increase your rank in Google. In many different cases, people do not understand that engaging content is actually what makes visitors stay. The longer your business stay in your website the more likely you are to generate even more content and of course more traffic.

Is Your Traffic Bouncing?

However, when you do check your Google analytics board you’re going to see that you have a very big bounce rate. And in most cases that bounce rate happens because people are not really interested in reading what you have written. However, what happens when you know for a fact that your content is engaging? Why not give them a bit longer?

What you need to do is basically give people a way to discuss the content right there on your website. Give them a place to talk about what they read basically. And that place is right under the blog itself. Unfortunately nowadays many website owners make the mistake of not adding a commenting system under their blogs and that is a big bad thing you do especially when it comes to the eyes of Google.

Have A Friendly Commenting System

On the contrary, you could simply add a commenting system friendly enough for people to actually want to click on that button and start talking about what they read. Yes, we can understand that the entire process of creating a custom made commenting system could be a bit overwhelming. Therefore, it is preferable for you to use a platform specifically created for that purpose. There are platforms out there that basically work as plug-ins to websites creating a commenting system on specific pages.

For example, instead of actually creating a custom made commenting system that could cost a lot of money you could think about the disqus alternative that has proven to be very, very helpful for multiple websites out there and continues to be equally helpful. There definitely is the perfect plug-in out there for you and all you have to do simply find it.

Remember that just like you people want to be able to talk about what they like and they want to engage into conversations. Take advantage of that need and basically generate more valuable traffic and visitors that will engage and help increase the ranking of your website.

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